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Monday, January 28, 2013

Do you Really Need a Lawyer for a Pittsburgh Traffic Offense?

Let's face it: Traffic Tickets are a pain. The offenses seem to pop up at the most inopportune time forcing you spend time out of your trip with the police officer, stressing over the fines and costs of the ticket before taking a day off from work to deal with the traffic ticket in Court. It is no wonder why most people charged with a traffic offense simply opt to plead guilty and send in the citation to move on with their lives: This is a huge mistake.
Although traffic offenses are seemingly harmless when compared to a Casino Crime, Federal Crime or DUI, the long lasting impact of pleading guilty will hit you when you least expect it. By simply pleading guilty to driving without a license or careless driving can possibly lead to jail time and/or maximum fines. Entering a plea of guilty to driving without a license due to a DUI suspension can lead to a 90 day jail sentence and additional license suspensions from Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
The next time you or a loved on receive a traffic ticket, contact our law firm for a free consultation. We will review the paperwork, citations and advise you of your options free of charge.

Pittsburgh Criminal Defense & Injury Attorney Frank Walker
Pittsburgh Criminal Defense Site
Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice & Wrongful Death Site
Morgantown, West Virginia Criminal Defense Site
1-800-496-4143 Office
412.532.6805 Cell

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