Our office receives many calls from clients seeking a bail attorney: Someone to argue for a bail reduction for a client.
Request for a bail reduction should be thoroughly researched prior to making the request. For example, how many times has the Defendant failed to appear in the past? Is the Defendant charged with a violent offense? What are the Defendant's ties to the community? Does the Defendant live in the jurisdiction?
These are just some of the questions the presiding Judge will need answered prior to even considering a bail reduction. An experienced Bail Attorney will review the Defendants entire background including family background, criminal history, meet with the bail agency and review all documents on the case prior to filing a petition requesting a reduction in bail.
If you are looking to hire an Attorney to file a petition for a bail reduction, contact our office today to schedule a free consultation and review of the paperwork for the case. Our staff will research the issue, file the petition and attend the hearing to request the reduction.
Pittsburgh Criminal Defense & Injury Attorney Frank Walker
Pittsburgh Criminal Defense - Injury Site
Morgantown, West Virginia Criminal Defense Site
1-800-496-4143 Toll Free
412.315.7441 Office
412.532.6805 Cell
Follow us on Twitter @frankwalkerlaw